Here you can find some Media about
V-Stick Custom Flyrods
Traumrouten der Schweiz: Mit dem Postauto durch das Engadin
Ein wirklich wunderbarer Beitrag über das allerschönste Tal der Welt - das Unterengadin;0) Viel Natur, viele tolle Menschen und deren Geschichten und ein bisschen V-Stick natürlich..........
V-Stick on the way with Sven Epiney for the 1st august, the Swiss national holiday broadcast 2021 on SRF1;0) (from minute 42!!!)
Falò 5. August 2021
"Costruttori di sogni"
A wonderful portrait on V-Stick and Renato's biggest passion, the rod building and the flyfishing.
thousand thanks to Flavia Baciocchi e Gaetano Agueci
One of a kind and absolutely awesome Portrait of me and my biggest passion. Many many thanks to Detlef Henkes for his fabulous texting and also big thanks to Mayk Wendt for hid touch of Class behind the lens;0)
Part 1. of the big Glass Blank/Rod Rewiev in thegprman flyfishing forum www.fliegenfischer-forum.de
Thousand thanks to Mr. Eric Arbogast who made this happen.
Part one is focused on the current CTS Quartz Glass Blanks Enjoy;0)
Part 2. of the big Glass Blank/Rod Rewiev in thegprman flyfishing forum www.fliegenfischer-forum.de
Thousand thanks to Mr. Eric Arbogast who made this happen.
Part one is focused on the current BlueHalo Gen3 Glass Blanks Enjoy;0)
A wonderful article by Maser Jono Winnel which describes my big passion for flyrod building and the my flow of being one with peace;0)
SRF bi de Lüt with Nik Hartman visiting the picturesque Engadin. A visit to the V-Stick workshop followed by fly fishing in the beautiful Val S-charl. Have fun.....
A revealing interview with Elias Tsoutsaios in the Romanist Talking Broadcast "Baterlada"
Leo Schönberger from The Wading List came over for a coffee a chat about rod building; 0)))
Ein wunderschöner Bericht über den Rutenbau und das Fliegenfischen im bündnerischen Hochglanzmagazin "Graubünden Magazin"